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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Why to Captcha in Facebook when you have a friend?

Developers in Facebook try to improve the features of Facebook frequently,their security issues are safe and secured till now but what happens if there is a security problem in the near future?

The developers asked themselves this question and Facebook is trying to eliminate the old booooring Captcha recognition service and intends to bring a SocialAuthentication service in Facebook.
Captcha is a recognition service which makes sure whoever accessing a specific service is a human but not a non-human/bot.This will produce some random confusing words which the user must type to prove he is human.This kind of test is accessible by everyone who can read but Facebook thought that instead of giving a rough random characters , how about displaying an image which the Facebook account holder already knew in which he/she must type his/her friend's name to prove he/she is the authenticated user or not.

This one sounds like a good idea but if we make something,some one will try to break it!Lets see if it works in Facebook!

Tell me what you think about this idea!


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